Thursday, February 17, 2011

Random Walk - Econo blogging

Apologies for not writing for such a long time...guess I've been hit by the Writer's Block. Nevertheless, this post is about econo-blogging...and about how some digging into it almost took the steam off my writing...

Came across this website econdirectory through Mish's site. The website gives a huge list of all the blogs which write on economy (and does not include those which restrict to just plain and simple stock tips). It covers some 165 websites, most of which have public page views, and some others which don't. Overall, the top 5 guys in the list take up the major portion of's a sample of what it looks like...

A massive 61% of all page views are with the top 5 blogs, and a good 54% with just top 4. The rest of the 160 blogs consist of the remaining 39% page views. The page view by the latter segment is small enough for each one to not sustain any meaningful ad revenues. 

The NY Times even listed DIY (Do It Yourself) Macroeconomics as one of the top trends of which, says NY Times "ordinary citizens pull apart the data and come to their own conclusions". So while more and more econo bloggers are joining the band-wagon, the pie is not undergoing any major expansions, resulting in traffic being held as captive audience by the top few websites.

Its tough getting into the top 20 list, and like even Mish pointed out, that would, under current circumstances, result in having just 5% of the traffic of the top blog...! But just like they say for Euro zone, there's hope...things could've been worse...

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